Works of art
Works of art
Number of results: 282

Achille Perilli
Irregular parallelepipeds and cubes crowd the airless space of the composition. The icy, pure colours that saturate them, untouched by shadow, struggle to chime with that deep-set dislocation of the image which the perspectival bodies appear to suggest.
20th century AD

La civetteria dell’astrazione
Achille Perilli
A large, dark form, composed of the interlocking of numerous irregular polygons, extends across the canvas surface; untouched by shadows and therefore lacking any depth of its own, it appears to tumble forward, apprehensively, from above to below.
20th century AD

Agosto in Friuli
Afro Libio Basaldella
Heaped at the centre of the painting are forms by now unmindful of the sensible world, which appear to have arranged to meet there and weave a mysterious dialogue. They are bathed in mottled light scored mainly by yellows and oranges, but with pink, brown, white and blue notes echoing throughout. Chromatic blocks that are shot through and joined to one other by a faint interrogative, recurring sign.
20th century AD

Afro Libio Basaldella
Scattered over the entire surface of the painting, the soft, mellow colours – which appear to emanate from the touch of palest pink at the centre of the composition – writhe in the open and potentially infinite space of the pictorial field; they are free from all ties; no probe of perspective anchors them to any point.
20th century AD

Fuori tiro
Afro Libio Basaldella
In a vertical format – an unusual choice for the painter at the time, who was inclined instead to align his forms as though they were assembled along an imaginary horizontal thread – several imperfectly geometrical figures (circles, triangles, trapezoids, ovoids) rise up like a totem of ancient civilizations.
20th century AD

Natura morta con caffettiera
Afro Libio Basaldella
In this work – which, in its composition of everyday objects, reveals its descent from the modern tradition inaugurated by Cézanne – Afro directs his range of luminous colours towards new effects reminiscent of the great traditions of Venetian painting.
Still life

Bianco nero
Alberto Burri
The spatial arrangement of this small painting is rather complex. It comprises a left-hand zone dominated by the various shades of white, and a right-hand zone, occupied by a thickly applied coat of matte black.
20th century AD

Fondo rosso
Alberto Burri
On a red base, luminous yellow lines going in all directions intersect and collide in a state of agitation in which there is full expression of a kind of art that shuns a balanced or peaceful composition of its forms.
20th century AD

Venezia surreale
Alberto Martini
The artist spent several years in Venice, a city he adored, so much so that in 1924 he designed the Tetiteatro especially for it. This was intended to be a floating theatre, whose aquatic whimsy reflected his love for the lagoon.
20th century AD

Le Matelot
Alberto Savinio
In a personal show of 1927, Savinio exhibited a painting entitled Le Matelot (the sailor), which is presumably this work. Though it is generally assigned to 1928, Pia Vivarelli concluded that it should be backdated by one year given the likelihood of it being the same work as the one in the exhibition catalogue.
20th century AD