This lovely stone, with its blue and grey tones, lends itself perfectly to the interplay of crossed, transversal fans. The structure consists of two elements bound together by a belt that repeats the motif of the grooves which, identical, chase around above and alongside one another. The two bodies face one another, separated, and the rhythm of the folds is the dominant formal invention.
The lineaments of the first body develop vertically in a slight overhang and diverge from those of the second body, broken at the centre where the folded bundle meets them. This creates a meshing of extraordinary efficacy and great beauty. The size of the statue contrasts with its lightness and lack of depth. It is a sculpture without its physical body, its weight; and the volume is so volatile as to resemble Japanese folding paper. This is one of the most architectonic of Consagra’s large bi-frontal sculptures, close to the plastic idea of the “frontal city”. In fact, the artist wrote that “For a sculptor, the city is a plastic emotion of life, an ambiguous, realizable fantasy beyond the work of art”.
Pietro Consagra, Bifrontale blu baia
Bifrontale blu baia
20th century AD

1977 - 1990
Material and technique
Fine Brazilian granite
158 x 113 x 45 cm
Augusta Monferini