Consalvo Carelli

Consalvo Carelli (Naples 1818 - Naples 1900)

Paesaggio fluviale con caseggiati e lavandaie
Paesaggio fluviale con caseggiati e lavandaie

Consalvo Carelli (Naples 1818–1900) lived in Rome between the end of the 1830s and the early 1840s, where he made the acquaintance of foreign artists. In this period he painted a series of Roman countryside landscapes using a language that could be called generically romantic. He was in Paris between 1841 and 1844 and participated in three of the international Salons held annually in the French capital. Around 1860 he was in London. His stay there proved important since it brought him into contact with the new English art, which pushed him to adopt the realistic approach of the Posillipo school.
In his relationship with landscapes ¿ and especially seascapes ¿ attention to the reality of the surroundings was often subordinated to the creation of invented compositional structures, so that the relationship sometimes involves a concession to the construction of a sort of scenery.


Antonio Del Guercio

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