Alberto Sughi (Cesena 1928 - Bologna 2012) trained in Romagna together with some of his peers, including Giovanni Cappelli. For some time he lived and worked in both his home town and in Rome, where he finally settled.
From the beginning, he made a clear choice of strictly urban themes, including interiors of anonymous buildings and emblematic locations, stations or public gathering places, and later various pictorial series including art galleries as meeting places for high society, or the salons frequented by the powerful.
Over the years, Sughi’s lively contrast of rosy tones with heavily shadowed zones moved towards a grey-based monochrome, constructing a style of representation that was critical and penetrating and, at the same time, painfully part of metropolitan life. This theme of his, and his language were acutely defined as a form of “existential realism” by Marco Valsecchi, a careful critic.
Alberto Sughi
Alberto Sughi (Cesena 1928 - Bologna 31-03-2012)
20th century AD